Power your business with affordable and clean energy.
Commercial battery storage

Reduce your exposure to volatile energy costs and plan with certainty for the long term

Reduced utility costs, greater accuracy in forecasting and increased operational efficiency are three key objectives that any business should strive for.

Commercial solar battery systems offer the perfect solution in all three areas, while also playing a crucial role in the transfer towards cleaner and renewable sources of energy.

A solar battery system is a large wall-mounted or freestanding battery unit(s) that is connected to a PV system. The battery is charged by surplus energy generated from the PV system during daylight hours which can then be consumed at a later time. The batteries can alternatively be charged via electricity sourced from the grid, ideally overnight or other off-peak periods. Batteries are particularly beneficial for powering business operations during peak periods, thereby reducing or completely eliminating the need to purchase expensive ‘peak period’ grid-sourced energy.

As business utility rates trend upward while commercial-scale battery systems become increasingly efficient there has never been a better time to invest in greater energy self-sufficiency.

Commercial solar battery storage applications across sectors and industries

Throughout the country thousands of companies operating in all sectors of our economy are already realising the benefits from adding commercial batteries to their solar PV installations. Solar PV systems and battery storage systems are scalable and adaptable, and can be tailored to suit any business size or operating environment.

We sell solar PV systems and commercial-scale batteries to clients in a diverse range of settings including:

  • Small business estates
  • Offices and business parks
  • Small, medium and large warehouses
  • Depots
  • Farms and agricultural centres
  • Schools and further education establishments

By taking a strategic approach to storing and discharging solar-generated energy any organisation can maximise savings and have greater control over their running costs.

Our current range of commercial-scale batteries for sale are listed below, built by the world’s leading manufacturers of solar batteries such as GivEnergy and Powervault.

All batteries are delivered by dedicated, fully insured battery delivery couriers.

Commercial battery storage

Commercial Battery Systems – The Business Case

Gain the advantage with our battery storage solutions!

Lowest prices for commercial-scale batteries

Compare our prices for commercial battery systems with our competitors; we won’t be beaten!

Enjoy budget certainty

Increase business resilience with predictable electricity expenses and accurate forecasting of operating costs.

Scalable to your demands

Develop your battery capacity to match your business needs while reducing demand from the National Grid.

Reinvest into your organisation

Take advantage of lower energy costs, allowing the substantial savings to be put back into your business.

Save money with "peak shaving"

Avoid peak rate prices by using stored energy from your battery instead!

Environmental responsibility

Showcase your organisation’s commitment to using clean energy while making savings on energy costs.

Shop Commercial Battery Storage

See our current selection of commercial battery storage systems for sale.

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